A Stranger's Blessing

Once, as I wandered upon an old forest path, I chanced upon a fellow traveller, green in the hood, who enquired of my journey on ways seldom trod.

I gave answer and he, thoughtful, uttered the words of an ancient blessing, once spoken in the tongue of those long passed.

Bowing head and closing eyes, I fell silent. He then invoked many sacred words after this manner:

"Fare thee well on the road before you.
The light of fair Awen lead you true.
Between the worlds, wherever you roam,
May love, wisdom and truth bear you home.

By and by, I opened my eyes but saw him no more. Nor did I perceive him before or behind me on the path.

Yet, his presence I felt keenly as when the air is fraught with the turn of season.

My way seemed easier and my step lighter. New hope filled my heart and bird song the sky above.

Sunlight pierced the forest floor, awakening without and within that which had slumbered long in darkness.

By the old paths, I came at last to journey’s end, at the closing of day.

Dear friend, may our meeting be so blessed if we should pass the same way.